Women Who Inspire: Maria Shriver
award-winning journalist, mother, daughter of Alzheimer’s
I am a daughter of Alzheimer's disease. For more than a decade I have been on the front lines of the fight against Alzheimer’s. I've published The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Takes on Alzheimer’s, testified before Congress, produced the award-winning Alzheimer’s Project with HBO, wrote the best-selling children’s book What’s Happening to Grandpa? and most recently was executive producer of the Oscar-winning film, “Still Alice.”
This year, I launched Maria Shriver's Wipe Out Alzheimer's Challenge, powered by women's brains, in partnership with the Alzheimer's Association and A Woman's Nation. It is my hope that women everywhere will visit www.wipeoutalzhimers.org and get educated, get engaged and get empowered.